Posts tagged with "state law"

Business · May 04, 2021
4 Tips for Running a Business With Your Spouse - Without Ruining Your Marriage
Going into business with your spouse or romantic partner can be an amazing opportunity—but it can just as easily be an absolute nightmare if not handled properly. Regardless of how amazing your love life may be, there's no guarantee you'll be equally compatible in a working relationship. It can potentially wreck both your business and marriage if things don't work out. Make sure to clarify the potential problems, risks, and benefits before jumping into business together.
Business · April 13, 2021
Thinking About Starting a Nonprofit? Here's What You Should Know - Part 2
You don’t want to launch a nonprofit just to avoid the “business” aspects of running a business. You should form a nonprofit because you are passionate about its mission and want to benefit your community through your organization. That said, if your nonprofit is going to succeed, you’ll still need a head for business, and access to the proper legal, insurance, financial, and tax (LIFT) systems, which form the foundation of any successful company.
Business · April 06, 2021
Thinking About Starting a Nonprofit? Here's What You Should Know - Part 1
Starting a nonprofit organization can be a great way to give back to your community while working for a cause you are passionate about. That said, if you are starting a nonprofit simply to avoid some of the more unsavory aspects of running a business, you should seriously reconsider. When running a nonprofit, you’ll be working in service to your mission rather than in service to yourself or to the other owners of your business—and that’s because there are no “owners” of nonprofits!
Business · January 08, 2021
Key Considerations for Managing a Remote Workforce
Due to government-mandated business closures and stay-home orders, many owners and employees of small businesses were forced to work virtually. Working virtually has shown promising benefits in employees' productivity, which many companies see as a significant idea to utilize and maintain remote workforces. However, there are factors to consider in implementing and managing remote workforces. Here are relevant factors to consider and preparations to implement.