Posts tagged with "legal counsel"

Business · November 02, 2021
10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Family Business Lawyer™
You may be wondering why you need to hire a lawyer to help you run your company. This is true today when you can access just about every conceivable legal document online for cheap from the countless online do-it-yourself document services. But without the guidance and support of trusted legal counsel, you're likely not aware of all the ways your business is leaking money, putting yourself and your family at risk, and possibly limiting the positive impact you have on the lives of your clients.
November 01, 2018
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You may be wondering why you need to hire a lawyer to help you run your company. This is true today when you can access just about every conceivable legal document online for cheap from the countless online do-it-yourself document services. But without the guidance and support of trusted legal counsel, you're likely not aware of all the ways your business is leaking money, putting yourself and your family at risk, and possibly limiting the positive impact you have on the lives of your clients.